Sunday, October 20, 2013

One year and Seven Months

One year and seven months.  Thats how long it's been since I posted about reading Donald Miller's book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  I reread that post and caught the last line..."making my life worth writing about".  Well, here we go.

We are homeschooling our three older kids this year.  This is a first for us.  It's going well, but I rank it in level of difficulty right up there with childbirth.  This is way harder than I thought.  I salute the ladies who have been doing this since the good old days.  May the force be with you.

We are also taking our kids on a mission trip to Lima, Peru in exactly one month from today. I have dreamt about this for years.  I cannot believe we are really about to embark on a dream being realized.  I am both ecstatic and terrified.

The books that have marked my life in the past few years have come to define they way I parent and relate to my kids and family.  I have somehow met and been able to connect with all the authors of those books in the past year.  That is a remarkable feat considering I don't get out much with four kids.

I have been given the honor of having an amazing group of ladies that both ground me and lift me up. I have an adorable husband that I am still madly in love with. I give honor and Glory to Him to makes me whole each day.

I have not made a blog post in at least a year, maybe more.  This is me waking up and saying HELLO WORLD!  I am back!!