Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Taking care of myself

My friend was starting this diet and she asked if I wanted to join her.  I am not much of a dieter.  I actually am slightly opposed to depriving yourself of foods that you want/enjoy.  However, getting older and facing the fact that I am not going to actually be able to exercise the way I used to, I thought I would try the diet.  I must add that I am not following the diet exactly....it is a loose interpretation of the suggested meals.  My findings so far (two weeks in to the diet) have been thus, I have lost 5 pounds and gained a new appreciation for myself.  Not because of the 5 pounds, but because of the time I have spent on myself these past few weeks.  I have four small children and rarely eat more than a peanut butter and jelly left over crust, some chips and a coffee during the day. These past few weeks I have actually spent time on thinking about what to eat.  I have carefully selected colorful vegetables and saute'ed them, added spices and seasoning, and a protein of some sort.  I have grilled and cooked for myself a plethora of things for three meals a day for two weeks.  I have begun to love this time each day.  I thought I would hate taking the time to chop and stir every meal for myself (as I seem to channel the essence of a short-order chef when I cook for my kids). So, bless my friend who made me try this diet.  I am not much of a dieter, but now it's personal.  I deserve to eat food that will allow my body to be the best mom it can be.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I've never been on a diet either (and rarely exercise - sigh...). I had the revelation a while ago that I should NOT eat my kids' leftovers, or if I do, then to factor that into my own portion size. I used to be a flight attendant and we always (famously) instruct people to first out the oxygen mask over our own face before helping others. It's like that with our own health and eating right.
