Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mornings...this is one of my favorites.

I walked upstairs this morning to find three of my kiddos dancing to Jana Alyra, a children's worship CD that will never get old.  My girls are twirling and singing about how Christ's love knows no bounds.  I come in with my coffee and see what brings me to tears.  My oldest girl says she just taught her little brother about Jesus.  Jack is our baby, at 2 years old he is hardly a baby, but a baby we call him nontheless.  She says look mom...and Jack folds his hands and bows his head...,"Dear God, I love you Jesus, Amen!" words for my two year old.  My daughter says, "I told him about how Jesus loves him and how to pray".  I told her that God delights when we share His Good News with others and how delighted He will be with her.  She then asked, "Am I in the book of Lambs"?  I smiled and said she is already in the "Lambs book of life".  She then asked if she could sing me a song she made up...."God is good...I can't wait to enter into his gates...He loves me...".  Precious.  My heart melts.  How precious God's children are to him and how precious are the ones who worship Him without limits.  Even in our big city life with busy comings and goings I am thankful for these moments that we just sit and dance.  We have no plans or agendas.  We are in the moment with God and His Love.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! You are doing a great job with your kids. I remember your 2 older ones from MOPS at Lake Avenue in Pasadena. Seems so long ago! Also us sitting by the pool at Sara Tyler's apartment complex. Don;t know if you remember me... But I love your blogposts! :)Have a great summer.

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